Sarah is the main character, as well as the author. Since the story starts in 2001, she starts at age 18. She is a geeky withdrawn little writer with an affinity for anime and sci fi. Coming from a fucked up family, she has a problem knowing when to tell feelings and when to hide them. Her best friends are Holly and Greg. She is a senior at Solebury School in eastern PA, USA. She plans to go on to be an English major at Alfred University in upstate New York. Her parents are divorced; her mother remarried in Brooklyn and her father in Tennessee. She has a younger sister whom she despises named Molly, and an ugly old boxer named Clancy. She writes sci-fi, and tries to run a MUD online. She doesn't have a boyfriend, as she has learned relationships ruin friendships. She is a virgin. |
Shimofuri is Sarah's online alternet. He is somewhat different, and thinks somewhat differently than she does. A regular on the internet game furcadia, he is a black Mustiline. He frequents Club Kashmir in Furabian Nights, where most of his friends are. He has no sexual affiliation, and angsts a lot. He believes himself half-demonic and frequently finds himself thrown into bouts of depression. Becuase he's one of the less liked races, he also gets picked on. His best friends are Ashido, Kieri and Renlar. His name is Japanese for 'Grey.' |
Holly is Sarah's best friend, although she is two years younger. Slightly aggressive and a little over-exaggerating, Holly is the first to look for a fight when things don't go right. Her parents are negligent and her sister is a featherbrain. She also attends Solebury School, but as of 2001 has no sure fire plans on where to attend college. She often muses about becoming a bum, or bringing down society. She has trouble writing because she hates to take critism, but has a twisted and amusing sense of humor. She likes anime and hard rock, as well as alcohol. It is not unknown for Holly to arrive at school slightly buzzed. Online, she goes by Misuka and does not frequent many of the places Sarah does. Her parents dislike Sarah because they think she is senseless and a slut. Holly does not have a boyfriend because she doesn't feel the need for one at the time. |
Greg is the boy of the 'anime trio' that wanders around the school. He is 15 and somewhat squawky. Because he has such ridgidly set morals, many people on campus tend to shy away from him. Sarah likes him for just this reason- he has something to live by. Greg's father is a lawyer who has luck out the wazzo and he too has a ditzy annoying younger sibling. He is a scout but doesn't like it much, because the younger scouts drive him insane. He has a very short temper and has pulled knives on other students before. It is not uncommon, however, for teachers to find the three of them all coiled together in a corner asleep. For this reason people often think Greg is fucking both Sarah and Holly. He has never had a girlfriend. He tries to write, but isn't very good at it, and has a terriable case of 'mary-sue' syndrome. He despises alcohol because he lost an uncle to it, and will beat out the brains of anyone trying to drink. He is slightly religious, and also a fantasy geek. |
Kyotoshi, also known as Kyo or Kyle is one of the more dominant voices in Sarah's head. A blonde haired and furred alien out of one of her stories, he seems to have taken substance of himself and exists now on a somewhat delusional plane of existance. Sarah has both seen and heard him since she was 14. He acts as a somewhat faulty older brother, giving advice that isn't always the best. He has a drinking problem but doesn't see much of a problem with it which often leads to tension. He is clingy and affectionate, making friends easily with anyone and everyone. He is also very often the hand on Sarah's shoulder when she's frightened. In the past, he actually prevented her from commiting suicide while on a particularly bad family vacation. |
Grey is another 'voice' in Sarah's head, although he never speaks. He simply is. He is human in appearance but not in biology, having been created in a laboratory. Although Grey is blind, he is telepathic, and often finds it hard to shut out mental waves. He has the uncanny knack to know when things are going to go wrong, such as a fight between friends on any given day, and throw a fit, screaming and vanishing. He also can not feel pysical pain. He is somewhat paranoid and very withdrawn, often depressed and self destructive. While he doesn't outright shun Kyotoshi or Sarah, he doesn't seem to realize they exist some of the time. Being from another one of Sarah's stories, he has a fan following because of his looks, which cause him to become even more self loathing and inflict more damage on himself. |
Zarla also known as both Sam and Ashido, is Sarah's best online friend. Sarah got into contact with her thanks to her obsession with Zarla's pokemon fanfics, and they became pretty fast friends. The both of them have the tendency to spill their guts to one another. As a child, Zarla had her arm broken by her older brother, had to have a tumor removed from her stomach that took half of her reproductive system with it, got second degree burns from her patio during a summer as well as being sexually molested. She is a gaming geek with some signs of schizophrenia, and a very bad memory. She loves music, anime and shounen-ai. She runs a very successful string of websites including the NPLU, MSP and the Den. |
Adam or 'Mire' online is one of Sarah's friends she's had since infancy. At this point in time they are just starting to talk to one another on a regular basis, having not had any particularly special friendship beforehand. He is a stereotypical emo-boy with stereotypically jewish features. His dad is somewhat overly-strict and his mother underly-so. He has a younger sister who is a twit as well as a younger brother who is hyperactive as all hell. |
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